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Ebay gear

Why pay more? TNF: The North Face tents...

eBay is the online market place where people like you as well as retailers offer new and used items. This includes top quality gear from major brands like The North Face (TNF), Marmot and much more.

Items are either sold as an auction where you can bid until the end date/time of the auction (see column "time left" below for the end time). Sometimes you can get a deal for a fixed price, then it will say:

Register for free and start bidding! (you will leave and go to eBay directly)

We have bought the following ourselves on eBay for our last Denali trip: TNF down jacket, TNF gore-tex pants, Canon EOS camera, lenses, a pulse oximeter, a GPS and a tent!

We selected the TNF (The North Face) tents for you at ebay USA ( Browse below to find a god deal on Ve25's, Mountain tents, Himalayn 47's and much more. Happy bidding :)

You can also get good new The North Face gear at Paragon Sports. Buy the latest Apparel, Footwear and Gear from The North Face. Huge Selection! Same Day Shipping (to US and Canada only)."

North Face, gear, apparel and clothing at Paragon

At ebay you can get top gear for far less than in most outdoor shops. New and used!

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